Nuclear energy in Turkey

Turkey presently has no nuclear power plants. However, in August 2006, the Turkish Government announced its plan to have three nuclear power plants with total capacity of 4,500 MWe, operating by 2012–2015. In May 2007, a new bill concerning construction and operation of nuclear power plants and the sale of their electricity was passed by parliament. It also addresses waste management and decommissioning, providing for a National Radioactive Waste Account and a Decommissioning Account, which generators will pay into progressively.[1]

The first units would be built at Akkuyu, at the place which was rejected in 2000, and the second unit will be built in Sinop.[2] The third will be at İğneada.[3] Environmentalists, concerned over earthquakes and the ability of the authorities to protect the public, have opposed these proposals.[4][5] In May 2010, Russia and Turkey signed an agreement that a subsidiary of Rosatom would build, own, and operate a power plant at Akkuyu comprising four 1,200 MWe VVER units. The first reactor is expected to enter service in 2018.[6]


See also

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